While the Second World War rages, the teenage Mahito, haunted by his mother's tragic death, is relocated from Tokyo to the serene rural home of his new stepmother Natsuko, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to the boy's mother. As he tries to adjust, this strange new world grows even stranger following the appearance of a persistent gray heron, who perplexes and bedevils Mahito, dubbing him the "long-awaited one."
The Boy and the Heron
Alternative Title |
君たちはどう生きるか |
Release Date | July 14, 2023 |
Original Language |
Japanese |
Runtime | 124 |
Certification | |
Popularity Index (TMDB) | 165.29 |
Rating (TMDB) | 7.50 |
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Library | Call Number | Availability | Location |
Law | KLAUS DVD #2766 BLU-RAY | Available | Klaus Reading Room |
Law | KLAUS DVD #2766 DVD | Unavailable | CHECKED OUT |