Q1. Where are the DVDs?

The Klaus DVD collection is located within the University of Virginia Law Library. The DVDs are housed in the Klaus Reserve Room next to the Circulation Desk at the Library's main entrance.

Q2. How do I checkout a DVD?

If you have borrowing privileges within the UVA Library system, you may checkout a DVD or Blu-Ray from the Klaus DVD collection.

Q3. How are DVDs selected for the collection?

A committee of librarians selects films and series to provide an entertainment break for our law community. We focus on providing popular new releases or hard-to-find popular selections.

Q4. How can I suggest a new selection?

Use our suggestion box! You'll find it in the Klaus Reserve Room. The DVD committee will review every suggestion and hopefully add your pick to the collection.

Q5. Why are there so many DVDs at the Law Library?

The DVD collection is provided thanks to the Walter W. Klaus fund, established in 1989 in memory of Mr. Klaus ’36 by his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Philip W. Klaus. The DVDs are part of the larger Klaus collection which also provides periodicals, newspapers, and a collection of books on subjects such as history, current events, and biography. The DVDs and reading materials are meant both to compensate for the distance between the Law School and main grounds libraries as well as provide materials for students to take a much-needed break from their studies. The Klaus room is located next to circulation on the Law Library’s first floor. Stop by to checkout a movie, binge a TV series, read up on current events, or chill out in the armchairs.